Let’s appreciate more people like Brenda Glover and Principal Hitchener for their dedication and hard work to keeping our students safe and learning each and every day.

Let’s appreciate more people like Brenda Glover and Principal Hitchener for their dedication and hard work to keeping our students safe and learning each and every day.
The NKEF has taken Governor Raimondo’s advice and figured out a creative way to celebrate Halloween this year. We would like to kick off this Halloween season with Spook out NK. This is a 3 night event that will luminate NK neighborhoods, shops/businesses and homes for the viewing public to safely drive-thru and check out the creative and spooky displays. Be the best spookiest decorated location and the winner receives a $50.00 town-wide gift card.
Voting will be done online at nkefoundation.org
Locations must be ready for viewing on Thursday (10/29) at 5pm and stay decorated till the clock strikes midnight on Halloween night (10/31)
Registration puts your location on a map that we will advertise for people to explore and vote for!
Register your location below by October 23, 2020
Cost : $10 Proceeds benefit NKEF projects
Send payment to NKEF PO Box 809 North Kingstown RI 02852 or by Paypal
Let’s make this Halloween a safe and spooky fun event that people will never forget!
The NKEF Informational video was sent by email to the NKSD faculty and staff by Dr. Auger yesterday. Check it out to learn more about this year’s NKEF goals and programs. If you are interested in getting involved click here https://nkefoundation.org/volunteer-opportunities/
Check out the NKEF Intro Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x6cQPcadP3jyw0GYwxGmI4GJ8dcMVuzP/view
The NKEF hunt begins tomorrow. The hunt answer keys for the “around your House” and “Around your Neighborhood” will be posted at 8am. The “Around the town” hunt will be posted at 3pm to give the locations time to set-up.
Please take a moment to search for our group page – #NKEF Hunt, to share in the fun with other teams, post your pictures and receive updates. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1042794626181054
Enjoy the Hunt !!
Check out the NEW NKEF Gear Store to purchase all your NKEF gear. There is something for everyone. All proceeds directly benefit the students of North Kingstown. The Online store will be open until September 31, 2020.
As always we thank you for your support!