

Join NKEF Thursday, Friday and Saturday to explore North Kingstown and all of its Spooky sites. We have over 50 locations to see. This is a free event but donations are accepted at locations designated on the map.

Click here to download the maps for SPOOK OUT NK!

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North Kingstown group is getting creative to create a safe Halloween


Check out WJAR Channel 10’s news coverage about the NKEF’s plan for a safe and social distancing Halloween for the families of North Kingstown. 

Learn more about this 3 day event and how to register your location for Spook Out NK here

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Spook Out NK

The NKEF has taken Governor Raimondo’s advice and figured out a creative way to celebrate Halloween this year. We would like to kick off this Halloween season with Spook out NK. This is a 3 night event that will luminate NK neighborhoods, shops/businesses and homes for the viewing public to safely drive-thru and check out the creative and spooky displays. Be the best spookiest decorated location and the winner receives a $50.00 town-wide gift card.

Voting will be done online at


How spooky can we make NK this year?

Locations must be ready for viewing on Thursday (10/29) at 5pm and stay decorated till the clock strikes midnight on Halloween night (10/31)

Registration puts your location on a map that we will advertise for people to explore and vote for!

Register your location below by October 23, 2020

Cost : $10 Proceeds benefit NKEF projects

Send payment to NKEF PO Box 809 North Kingstown RI 02852 or by Paypal

Let’s make this Halloween a safe and spooky fun event that people will never forget!

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Intro to NKEF

The NKEF Informational video was sent by email to the NKSD faculty and staff by Dr. Auger yesterday. Check it out to learn more about this year’s NKEF goals and programs. If you are interested in getting involved click here

Check out the NKEF Intro Video

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Join #NKEF Hunt

The NKEF hunt begins tomorrow. The hunt answer keys for the “around your House” and “Around your Neighborhood” will be posted at 8am. The “Around the town” hunt will be posted at 3pm to give the locations time to set-up. 

Please take a moment to search for our group page – #NKEF Hunt,  to share in the fun with other teams, post your pictures and receive updates.

Enjoy the Hunt !!

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Town Wide Scavenger Hunt

CHECK IT OUT!!!  A great way to Beat the COVID Blues and the delay of school by  going on a safe & socially distant Scavenger Hunt!!!  Families are invited to participate in our #NKEFHUNT

Download your Hunt forms here on August 31, 2020

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Catch the Wave-NKEF Gear is Here

Check out the NEW NKEF Gear Store to purchase all your NKEF gear. There is something for everyone. All proceeds directly benefit the students of North Kingstown. The Online store will be open until September 31, 2020.

As always we thank you for your support!

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Thank you! 1st Annual Foundation Golf Day

The NKEF Foundation Golf Day was on Saturday, July 25, 2020 and it was a “hole-in-one” for everyone involved.  The event hosted 43 golfers at Rolling Greens Golf Course for 9 holes of golf and a box lunch provided by the Carriage Inn.  There were 23 tee sponsors and their support made this event complete.  Some of the golfers included families and staff from the NKSD and other supporters and friends of the NKEF.  The Foundation would like to appreciate everyone who participated, supported and volunteered to make this day a huge success.  We look forward to making it an annual event for the Foundation!

Event Sponsors ……
Down Home Events
Lawn Enforcement 401-497-5199
Roberts Health Centre
Backyard Beach
Fishing Cove School PTO
Stony Lane School PTO
Hamilton Elementary School PTO
Quidnessett Elementary School PTO
Forest Park School PTO
Wickford Middle School PTO
Davisville Middle School PTO
North Kingstown High School PTSO
Impact Custom Apparel
Rolling Greens Golf Course
Carriage Inn
The Farm Stand
Bus 19 & 6 – Lee Anne Gooding of North Kingstown Bus Contractors
Hairloom Coiffure
Siena restaurant
Action Auto Parts
Dave’s Marketplace
Hughes Electrical Services 401-885-7568


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NKEF Golf Day Registration Open

The NKEF will hold its 1st Annual Golf Day at Rolling Greens Golf Course on July 25, 2020. Registration includes 9 holes of golf, a personal lunchbox, and a day of fun with the proceeds going to fund grants for students, teachers and staff who appreciate the importance & value of education. Boxed lunch provided by Carriage Inn. Choose from 8” Italian Grinder or a Turkey & Cheese Grinder. Also included are chips, a cookie and soda. Event will be held rain or shine.

Rolling Greens Golf Course
1625 Ten Rod Rd
N. Kingstown, RI

Individual Player: $50

Foursome: $180

Tee Sponsorship: $50

Tee-offs starting at 7:00am. Golf carts are available and are first come, first served.

To learn more and register, click here.

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NKEF Press Release


North Kingstown, RI
June 8, 2020

The North Kingstown Education Foundation (NKEF) announces the formation as an independent 501(c)3 non profit organization. The mission of NKEF is to foster a community wide commitment to strengthening and enhancing the learning environment within the school district.
With the recent change by the Rhode Island state law prohibiting parental subsidizing student field trip activities, there was a need in NK for additional funding to support extra curricular activities. The NK PTOs evaluated the need, researched other town educational foundations, and joined forces to form the NKEF. The NKEF will enrich and increase the educational experience in North Kingstown by partnering with the community to finance projects that will offer opportunities to strengthen the core curriculum and to expand the minds of NK students. The Foundation hopes to offer district wide funds through a grant application process, which will allow the faculty and staff to plan projects that have a direct and immediate impact on NK students.

The goals of NKEF will provide funding for projects that further the students educational experiences, as well as invest in teaching and learning initiatives that are beyond the scope of those funded by the NK public school’s system. This Foundation is committed to creating a formidable relationship between the schools and local businesses.

Co-founders, Robyn Albuquerque and Dawn Masterson, are both NK High School alumni and residents of NK who share a passion for giving back to the community. Together they have spearheaded the excitement and the creation of this Foundation to benefit all students and the future generations of NK.

To date, the Foundation has gathered representatives from all 8 schools in the NK district forming the unity of the Foundation and together they are “NK Strong.” This photo is symbolizing how “We are all in this together” which is the spirit of NKEF for “today and every day.”

The following North Kingstown PTO’s endorsed this Foundation with contributing funds for startup costs and with support through volunteer efforts:

  • Fishing Cove Elementary School
  • Forest Park Elementary School
  • Hamilton Elementary School
  • Quidnessett Elementary School
  • Stony Lane Elementary School
  • Davisville Middle School
  • Wickford Middle School
  • North Kingstown High School

Since October 2019, NKEF meets monthly to discuss the formation, goals and projects. Now working on an adapted timeline, NKEF is focused on fundraising goals with grant opportunities for the upcoming school year.
Kicking off the first annual fundraiser, the Foundation has partnered with Rolling Greens Golf Course, on 1625 Ten Rod Road, NK for The NKEF GOLF DAY on Saturday, July 25 with tee times starting at 7 am. Play 9 holes with the portion of greens fees benefiting the Foundation. In addition, as a major supporter, the Carriage Inn, 1065 Tower Hill Road, NK will be on site supplying box lunches during the event.

Register online at Registration is limited and tee-times are on a first come first serve basis. Deadline is July 20th.

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