Have you checked out the NKEF Usborne Book Party

EVERY MINUTE AND $ COUNTS. The countdown to the end of our Read-a-thon is on. We are into our last weekend of reading and collecting donations. Don’t forget to track your last bit of reading minutes and donations. Week 4 totals end Sunday, 2/28 at 9pm.
DONATE NOW – choose to donate to a specific reader or to the group.

Visit the NKEF website for more information and a month long calendar of events for The Catch the Reading Wave Read Read-A-Thon
WEEK 3 School Grant Winner
Congratulations to Fishing Cove Elementary School for being the top collecting school team in the NKEF Read-a-thon Week 3. Whiskers and Rebecca Dinnerman, Aspiring Principal were presented the $500 grant for supplemental literacy materials. Fishing Cove raised $605.00 in one week to support the NKEF and their school. Their hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks for Catching the Reading Wave with the NKEF! Donate today
We are in the final week of the Catch the Reading Wave Read-A-Thon and the school teams are reading everyday and collecting more donations. It is not to late to join a team and log your minutes. Don’t wait, track your minutes and share your profile page with family and friends!

There is SNOW better Time to Read
Stop by St Francis de Sales, 381 School Street TODAY with your book buck to collect your FREE BOOK. The NKEF and Blue Bus Foundation will be there from 11-2 with books for all ages (preschool to adults).
Did you forget to print your book buck, don’t worry you are still welcome. We will have book bucks available for you.
All books have been properly disinfected. Masks and social distancing will be required walking though the event.

Check out how your team is doing!!! The School team with the most donations each week will be awarded a $500 grant on Monday. The weekly contest closes each Sunday at 9pm.

Visit the NKEF website for more information and a month long calendar of events for The Catch the Reading Wave Read Read-A-Thon
WEEK 2 Student Raffle Winner

Congratulations to Madelyn Parenteau from Fishing Cove Elementary School. She was the student reader winner of the weekly NKEF Read-a-thon raffle drawing. She is receiving a goody bag of NKEF gear and books to read! Any reader registered in the Read-a-thon gets their name in the raffle each week for a chance to win a prize. Don’t miss out on this chance, register today! Thanks Madelyn & Happy Reading!
WEEK 2 School Grant Winner
Congratulations to Hamilton Elementary School for being the top collecting school team in the NKEF Read-a-thon Week 2. Principal, Kaitlin Lambert Donahue and Hamilton PTO were presented the $500 grant for supplemental literacy materials. Hamilton raised $975.00 in one week to support the NKEF and their school. Their hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks for Catching the Reading Wave with the NKEF! Donate today
Week 3 is underway and the school teams are reading everyday and collecting more donations. Weekly team standings will be posted on Friday to see where your team stands…… Don’t wait, track your minutes and share your profile page with family and friends!

Mission Accomplished
Check out the Standard Times article about the NKEF’s 1st Wave grant presentation to Wickford Middle School. It made FRONT PAGE news this past Thursday! We are so excited and so proud. We are looking forward to the opportunity to present more funds to well deserved NKSD faculty and staff!

Photograph by Laura Paton
Catch the Reading Wave Week 3 Team Challenge Starts Today!
HELP THEM COLLECT THE MOST DONATIONS EACH WEEK for a chance to be awarded a $500 grant!!
Click on the team and choose “Donate directly to the class”
If you would like to support a specific reader, follow those prompts instead.
Check out how your team is doing!!! The School team with the most donations each week will be awarded a $500 grant on Monday. The weekly contest closes each Sunday at 9pm.